Re: [hatari-devel] version info?

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Le 31/05/2015 10:44, Douglas Little a écrit :

Is there a way to obtain the actual HG source revision from a build of
Hatari? If not, would the team consider adding it?

I tried passing --version or -v to the Windows build from command prompt
(or cygwin) but all I see is a blank/empty response as if invalid args
were passed.

(I suppose this would mean the windows build is not correctly outputting
invalid-usage messages during startup too)


-v and --version should both work :

hatari -v

Hatari v1.8.0 - the Atari ST, STE, TT and Falcon emulator.

Hatari is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License.

so I think the window build lacks something to output to console.

As for printing the HG source revision, this might be complicated, because mercurial is de-centralized, so several people could have their own repository where they commit code, and have their own changeset number. The real key for a revision/commit is the hex hashkey after the revision

changeset:   5748:6d161e98538f

This is less a problem if you never commit and only pull from the main repo, as this will be the rev number of the main repo.

But then, it would mean that you need to have mercurial to compile and include the resul of 'hg tip' in the hatari exe, which would be an extra dependancy (today, it's possible to only get the source archive as a zip/tar.gz and compile it without mercurial).

During devel phase, hatari should print its compile date, which can be enough to know what HG version it refers to (assuming you always do 'hg pull' before compiling).
It was disabled in version.h, I just re-enabled it :

/hatari -v

Hatari v1.9.0-devel (Jun 1 2015) (WinUAE CPU core) - the Atari ST, STE, TT and Falcon emulator.


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