Re: [hatari-devel] fopen traces

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Le 26/05/2015 21:41, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On tiistai 26 toukokuu 2015, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 25/05/2015 22:39, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
If I change conout to go to stdout, it seems to work OK.

Do you think it would be OK to do this change to Hatari?

It's an "API" change...


yes I can it's ok to change this

you can grep on stderr only using process substitution (in bash)

eg :
hatari --trace fdc 2> >(grep seek)

Nice, I didn't know about this! :-)

Yes, I admit this is not the common way to redirect output :)

Debugger can call code all over Hatari, for example through
"info" and "setopt" (command line option) commands.  Fixing
all that would be massive change.

Hatari has few thousand prints, of which 1/3 goes to stderr, see:
$ find src/ -name '*.c' | xargs grep -e printf -e fput |\
	grep -v -e gencpu.c -e build68k.c -e Dprintf -e ':\w*//'

Looking at the output there are some clear inconsistencies
which should be fixed, but error messages seems to go fairly
consistently to stderr.  For debugger to be usable, error
messages for its commands should naturally also be visible.

I don't think changing all Hatari error messages which could
be triggered by debugger, to go to stdout, is worth this.

Still, I think I will change those in cpu/* uae-cpu/* to use stdout when it's supposed to be called from the debugger.

In src/*, I think some could be easily fixed in the "xxx_Info()" functions (for example Video_Info). It would be better to add a "FILE *" parameter and let the uppper level calling function pass the correct value (stdout, stderr, or even a real file in case we want to use --trace-file)

-> I'll change "fopen" to "os_base" trace which tracks
    fopen/fclose/pexec/pterm and I'll enable xconout
    redirection for both os_base & os_all.

Tracking Pexec will also tell Hatari users why "pc=text"
breakpoints trigger multiple times at TOS boot, and not
just when the program user is trying to debug starts.  :-)



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