Re: [hatari-devel] MMU 030 question

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I get the following messages with both of them :

MMU030 fake prefetched 4278
MMU disabled
MMU030 fake prefetched 21DF
68030 MMU enabled. Page size = 32768

Is this message "MMU030 fake prefetched " means something wrong or not
emulated, or not ?

It only means MMU emulation loaded next opcode before MMU was switched on/off. It is workaround for programs that do something like:

Enable or disable MMU that unmaps/remaps memory, including memory where next opcode is located.
jmp (an) (or some other single word branch instruction)

Real 68030 (because of pipeline) will have jmp (an) already prefetched. Workaround for non-prefetch emulation modes. (Note that it does not check if above situation happened, it is always logged)

Most likely problem is something else because crash is practically guaranteed if something went wrong.

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