[hatari-devel] Mouse warping

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I have noticed for some time that Hatari grabs & teleports the host mouse pointer when the emulated machine changes video resolution.

If you happen to be developing code which runs under the emulator and changes resolution, it can steal the mouse while you're typing or doing other stuff in the host. It can also interfere with the emulated session (depending on what you're doing of course) - sometimes such that it's necessary to reboot and try again.

I am wondering if this is really necessary and can it be fixed? or made into an option?

(At one point I hacked the source to stop grabbing the mouse completely - for profiling purposes - because grabbing focus back from the host after a resolution change allowed the camera to accidentally move by some amount each time, which upset the profiling starting conditions. Unfortunately my hacks were just simple #ifdefs scattered around so the host retains the mouse always...).


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