[hatari-devel] Allow a wider sample rate range for the ST YM2149 filter

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This patch allows the 'ST' mode YM2149 filter to be used
with sample rates of 40 KHz and greater, instead of the
current (experimental) 44.1 and 48 KHz.

This allows one to use rates such as:
50066 Hz ( = ym2149 clock / 2.5)
41721.667 Hz ( = ym2149 clock / 3.0)
or even
62582.5 Hz ( = ym2149 clock / 3.0)

To make a master sound capture file which is then
high quality re-sampled later.
--- hatari/src/audio.c	2015-02-08 00:33:06.000000000 -0800
+++ hatari/src/audio.c	2015-02-16 13:54:57.283210190 -0800
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
 	if ((ConfigureParams.System.nMachineType == MACHINE_ST) &&
-		(nAudioFrequency == 44100 || nAudioFrequency == 48000))
+		(nAudioFrequency >= 40000))
 		/* Apply YM2149 C10 filter. */
 		UseLowPassFilter = true;

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