Re: [hatari-devel] fixed a crash when restoring a snapshot using DSP |
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Le 03/01/2015 17:19, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
You're right, I've given a closer look at the code, it's not only the memory but all the DSP structure that is impacted (registers state, interrupts, ...) So, the DSP must be in a good state when starting / restarting (but not necessary after a reset).
But as you said, the memset(&dsp_core, 0, sizeof(dsp_core_t)) will overwrite the DSP program with NOP, so after DSP_Init is called at the end of the restore, there's no more valid program in the DSP :(
So, latest changes prevented the crash, but it was not correct, I will change it do not call DSP_Init after the snapshot is loaded.
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