Le 28/12/2014 23:23, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Maybe it should also be added into run_3ce
Nicolas, I let you accept this or not (it may noit be the correct fix).
If it's OK, you can fix it.
68040/68060 in prefetch/compatible had a different cycles counting
value in WinUAE. As this mode is not really supported so far, all
instructions always take 1 cycle (to simulate the higher processing
power of a 68040/60).
And in that case, the correct value was not used to call the DSP
run_3ce (cycle exact for 68040/60) did not have this problem, neither
did the basic cpu emulation.
So, running with "--compatible 0 --cycle-exact 0" or "--compatible 0
--cycle-exact 1" was already working. Only "--compatible 1" needed to
be fixed.