Re: [hatari-devel] New version of WinUAE's cpu core

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 Hi Nicolas,

Am Thu, 20 Nov 2014 22:35:04 +0100
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hello
> A test version of the new cpu core based on WinUAE 2.8.1 is
> available, at least :)
> Given all the changes, I'd like people to test this version before 
> committing it to our mercurial repo. I tested it successfully with 
> various tos, STF,TT, Falcon modes, RAM, compatible or cycle exact
> mode and so far all those combinations are working under TOS.
> But I only tested 2 or 3 demos and only 1 game (beats of rage).
> I would need people to test it with their favorite games/demos and to 
> report *regressions*. For now, it's not obvious improvements will be 
> visible, but at least it's important to ensure there's no regression 
> (programs that worked should still work, and if a program works badly 
> with this new version but it was already bad before, then it's OK for
> now).

Great work! I've tested some few demos, and all were working as good as
with the old core, including the MMU demo X-Tasie.

I just noticed one regression: In 68060 mode, TOS does not start
anymore. But I think that's ok, because the new WinUAE core emulates
the 68060 more accurately now, so we likely need to provide some TOS
patches for running in 68060 mode now (AFAIK, the Centurbo 060 also
needs some TOS patches to get it ready for the 68060, doesn't it?)


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