Re: [hatari-devel] question about natfeats' code |
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On keskiviikko 22 lokakuu 2014, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> in hatari-glue.c, I see that in OpCode_NatFeat_ID() and
> OpCode_NatFeat_Call() we have :
> Uint16 SR = M68000_GetSR();
> then
> M68000_SetSR(SR);
> I see that we need to read SR to check for supervisor bit, but why is
> there a call to SetSR after with the saved value "SR" ? As far as I can
> see, natfeats.c doesn't alter SR in any way, so this SetSR seems
> unnecessary to me.
Likewise, but does Exception() & M68000_BusError() called on errors
do something that might require reseting SR back to original value
on return?
- Eero