Re: [hatari-devel] Is it me or the new hatari release is slow ?

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Am Sun, 01 Jun 2014 12:17:45 +0200
schrieb Laurent Sallafranque <laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx>:

> If I understand well, I just have to enter the following command in
> my current local repository :
> hg bisect --bad
> But how do I "get" an older version to say bisect -- good or bisect
> -- bad ? and how do I get a version between the 2 ?

You likely start with a bad tip:

 hg bisect --bad tip

And in your case, version 1.7.0 was the latest known good version:

 hg bisect --good v1.7.0

hg then checks out a revision in the middle of these two. You test it,
then you either say --bad or --good to continue to the next revision.


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