Re: [hatari-devel] sound bug

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I submitted some patches a while back, and can resume if there is interest.
David Savinkoff

----- Douglas Little <doug694@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Has anyone had any further ideas about the 'other' bug in the Hatari Falcon
> audio emulation?
> Around 50% of the time the crossbar/codec is initialized, there is a loss
> of sync between the codec buffer and the host audio buffer, resulting in
> crunchy distorted audio. From time to time the result is really, really bad.
> As Laurent pointed out, opening the Hatari sound menu and switching the
> audio quality down (e.g. to 11khz) can often 'fix' the problem while the
> audio is playing. It's then possible to switch back up again to 50khz or
> whatever and get correct sound. It sounds like a desynchronized ringbuffer,
> or wrongly sized buffer - samples being dropped from the output at regular
> intervals.
> This trick with the menu doesn't always work - sometimes it takes 4 or 5
> attempts. Sometimes the sound corruption changes a bit, improves or gets
> worse.
> I've been doing this regularly while working on audio code but it's
> beginning to get really annoying. :-) Considering both Laurent and I have
> noticed it, the problem must be affecting lots of users too when running
> games and demos?
> Doug.

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