Re: [hatari-devel] building the OSX version |
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I hope that Jerome will respond to your post. However, I can produce an OS X binary. Unfortunately, my version of Xcode is too new to provide a Universal Binary for those people who still have PPC Macs. Jerome has a setup that allows him to create a Universal Binary version of Hatari. My Xcode only supports back to 10.8.
As far as the changes to the dialog screens, I can try to change them in OS X. At worst, they will still be accessible through the SDL menu.
I still hope we hear from Jerome. I know he did some cleanup on the OS X code and fixed a few problems that were particular to the OS X interface. For instance, if you used the OS X interface to change your monitor type, Hatari would crash. However, if you used the SDL menu to change the monitor type, then Hatari would reboot normally.
Bob C
On Thursday, May 22, 2014, Nicolas Pomarède <
npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
the next version of Hatari will have a few changes in some dialog screens (floppy, ...), so this will need to be updated for the Xcode version of OSX.
Is there anyone who can make the change for OSX, and provide some binary for the 1.8 version of Hatari ?
If not, I'm afraid there will only be linux and windows versions :(