Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Interesting sound problems with Hatari?

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Hi David,

Yes I will give it a try - however some more recent tests tonight show that the filling of the DAC/output buffer (MixBuffer) does not contain these zeroes. So I have started looking at the last stage, which couples the MixBuffer out to the OS. I have already noticed that adding debug code greatly influences the output sound (mainly echos, due to falling behind - but also absent the 'glitch').

Might be out of time on this tonight but I'll update when I know more.


On 19 April 2014 22:40, David Savinkoff <dsavnkff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Douglas,

I've been following your thread, and it appears you can compile
Hatari. Can you compile with fifo.patch from a previous email,
and give a quick summary of what you notice.

Thank You,
David Savinkoff

----- Douglas Little wrote:
> Another update on this.
> Changing the DMA replay buffer from 256 samples to 1024 produces the same
> result - zeroes inserted into the audio data every 56 samples.
> Changing the sample stepping rate from 1.0 to 2.0 in the software mixer
> doubles the playback frequency of the tone as it should, but still produces
> zeroes every 56 samples.
> The zeroes are not present in the source data, or in the written DMA pages.
> I did what I could to record the same data to secondary linear buffers to
> debug it, and to diff the recording against the original sample. I also
> inspected the DMA pages themselves.
> Having tried to rule out everything of my own, I have to conclude that
> something is going wrong when Hatari receives this data, or when it passes
> the final mixed audio to the OS. Bear in mind I have 2 different builds -
> one Windows native, and one Cygwin, obviously using different libraries and
> each having their own interesting pros and cons. But they both exhibit this
> problem.
> I tried '--trace crossbar' to see if something could be seen in the data,
> but this just emits a lot of messages showing which devices are connected
> (interestingly - it reports 3 output devices when only 1 has actually been
> configured via crossbar via XBios #$8b). It also reports register writes to
> the DMA address registers but not data being transferred in the pages.
> '--trace dmasound' does nothing on Falcon, because the DMA/codec mixing
> stuff is all done by crossbar.c, and 'dmasound' is only logged by dmaSnd.c,
> which is STE-only.
> The code below configures crossbar in my test. Only one output device is
> connected. I don't understand why Hatari thinks all 3 (DSP, DMA, Codec) are
> connected. It's not related to the main problem I have but it's still
> strange.
>     move.w        #1,-(sp)            ; protocol = handshaking
>     move.w        #0,-(sp)            ; prescale = 0 / STE compat.
>     move.w        #0,-(sp)            ; srcclk = 25mhz
>     move.w        #1<<3,-(sp)         ; dst = DAC
>     move.w        #0,-(sp)            ; src = ""> >     move.w        #$8B,-(sp)
>     trap        #14
>     lea        12(sp),sp
> I haven't had any response on the 56-sample-spaced zeroes so far, so I have
> to assume nobody else has seen it. Maybe somebody will find the time to
> *record* audio output from Hatari and see if they can reproduce this?
> For reference I'm playing a waveform note 'D4' sampled @ 12294Hz, with
> Hatari configured at 12khz audio quality + synchronize, capturing the sound
> being emitted through the system mixer, and comparing with the source
> sample.
> I'll see if I can mod Hatari to show me what's being passed to the OS, to
> narrow down the point where the zeroes first appear (assuming it's not the
> OS itself).
> D
> On 17 April 2014 22:33, Douglas Little wrote:
> > So I'm still digging into this audio replay noise/glitching problem via
> > Hatari and still haven't found a cause I can tie to my own code.
> >
> > One of the things I did was change the size of the DMA replay buffer, to
> > see if the glitches changed frequency / spacing. This did not affect the
> > result. Several captures with different sized DMA buffers resulted in the
> > same spacing between glitches.
> >
> > I also tried a Windows native build (daily build FTP) with my own Cygwin
> > build, in a bid to rule out any stuff specific to SDL libraries etc.
> > Problem is still present.
> >
> >
> > Played via Hatari at 12khz, captured via Audacity at 44khz and with the
> > spacing measured in samples and rescaled, it amounts to something like 200
> > samples between each glitch in the capture, or 56 samples in real terms,
> > between each glitch in the source data @ 12khz. This seems quite
> > consistent, although occasional glitches have appeared in-between these
> > regular spacings.
> >
> >
> > The 'glitch' when examined up close, looks like zeroes placed into the DMA
> > stream at regular intervals. See snap below:
> >
> >
> >
> > I can't explain this, and can't see it in the data I'm feeding into the
> > DMA pages. Does anyone have a clue where these zeroes might originate?
> >
> > D
> >
> >
> >
> > On 16 April 2014 19:05, Douglas Little wrote:
> >
> >> ...have scraped a little more information on this one.
> >>
> >> I dumped the DMA pages for the sample painted in memory, and performed a
> >> binary diff against the original sample data on disk, with the WAV header
> >> stripped off. The data is a perfect match, up to the first loop point
> >> (which is about 18k into the sample - quite far). Beyond the loop point the
> >> deltas correspond to the original sample at the intended loop point.
> >>
> >> So the source data being painted into memory is perfect.
> >>
> >> This seems to leave 3 possible points of failure:
> >>
> >> 1) It is somehow being painted into the wrong place in memory, but not so
> >> wrong that it results in more than periodic glitches (this seems very
> >> unlikely, especially as the 'glitches' correspond to page swaps)
> >> 2) What has been painted into the DMA pages is not what is actually going
> >> to the 'codec'
> >> 3) What is going to the 'codec' is not what is going to the Windows sound
> >> system
> >>
> >> I'm leaning towards #2 or more likely #3, which means a problem in Hatari
> >> or with the coupling of Hatari to the OS sound API, on Windows at least.
> >>
> >> I'll keep digging though, just in case ;)
> >>
> >> D
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 16 April 2014 18:34, Douglas Little wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> So apart from the issues already discussed by Laurent/David, I'm having
> >>> my own world of pain at the moment with another sound issue, and which
> >>> *seems* to be limited to Hatari based on what I have been able to try so
> >>> far.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I am doing my best to narrow this down but it is difficult indeed :) So
> >>> here is what I can tell you.
> >>>
> >>> 1) I'm getting distortion while playing back samples in Hatari while
> >>> emulating F030. (I've been trying to rule out real HW but I'm having other
> >>> problems with the machine so haven't managed it quite yet).
> >>>
> >>> 2) The distortion seems to be related to double-buffering of the DMA
> >>> pointers which keep the Codec fed continuously with data (think modplayer
> >>> here). The distortion seems to have a period which roughly matches the
> >>> buffer length. I currently use a DMA page size of 246 samples, if that
> >>> means anything to anyone (12khz @ 50hz period).
> >>>
> >>> 3) The values involved in the distortion seem to be random but I am not
> >>> 100% sure since I'm looking at captures of audio output from the emulator.
> >>>
> >>> 4) The distortion does not seem to be present in the memory pages being
> >>> DMA'd to the Codec - filling a circular buffer with the same data and
> >>> dumping it out looks *correct* and contiguous.
> >>>
> >>> 5) The addressing used to increment through the sample has been fixed at
> >>> one unit (i.e. a direct 1:1 copy of the sample to the DMA buffers with no
> >>> skipping/duplication of bytes). I have ruled out the mixer code being
> >>> faulty also - 3 different variants produce identical results.
> >>>
> >>> 6) Recording the individual sample *indexes* to a circular buffer shows
> >>> the expected pattern of 0,1,2,3... until the loop point, after which it
> >>> resets to 0 and continues for as long as I let it. No problems there
> >>> either. Loop point in source sample never varies.
> >>>
> >>> 7) I tried decoupling the DMA pages using 8 buffers and reading (codec)
> >>> / writing (my mixer code) 4 buffers apart to be absolutely sure the DMA'd
> >>> pages are not being written while in use - no improvement.. Not the cause.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Other interesting points:
> >>>
> >>> - A very large noise signature can be obtained by just changing Hatari's
> >>> 'playback quality'. Setting it to 50khz while playing samples at 12khz via
> >>> the Falcon's Codec results in... mostly noise and not much signal left (see
> >>> linked capture below). This might just be due to a lack of filtering but it
> >>> seems to be really, really bad (!).
> >>> - Changing the playback quality does not stop the periodic distortion -
> >>> it just adds more noise per individual sample event.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I have linked a screengrab of what I get from Hatari in the 2 'quality'
> >>> modes, playing one looped sample.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The top capture is the original sample @ 22khz.
> >>>
> >>> The middle capture is replay within Hatari @ 12khz codec rate, but 50khz
> >>> Hatari quality (yikes! look at the noise levels!).
> >>>
> >>> The lower capture is the same, but set to 12khz Hatari quality. This is
> >>> the most interesting one - notice the spikes/glitches at spaced intervals?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I'm still looking into this and doing what I can to isolate possible
> >>> causes but I'm running out of things to look at in my code. Can anything
> >>> strange be going on in Hatari which could cause the glitches on each DMA
> >>> page change? Could it be related to the host OS sound interface, or must it
> >>> be within the emulation layer or the emulated code?
> >>>
> >>> D
> >>>

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