Re: [hatari-devel] IPF disk swap question

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Le 02/03/2014 05:38, Bob Carpenter a écrit :

You may have seen on Atari-Forum where DrCoolZic has started posting IPF files for testing. I have had problems using the IPF files if it requires swapping disks. Both Awesome and Back to the Future III require disk swapping, but Hatari will not recognize the new disk when I insert it. I have disabled drive B and shut off the auto insert for drive B as well. I went back to TOS 1.0 and 512K of RAM. Once, Awesome did recognize the disk swap completely. However, the last time I played it, I was able to get one disk to be recognized (disk 1 to disk 3), but Awesome would not recognize disk 2 when I inserted it. It did recognize it one other time.

With Back to the Future, simply select the Practice Duck Shooting option which asks for disk 2. When I insert disk 2 into drive A, the game does not recognize it and asks me for disk 2 again. There is nothing I can do to get disk 2 accepted by the game.

As I look at the IPF files I have tested, only Mean 18 had more than 1 disk. It worked fine though.


thanks for reporting, I can reproduce the problem with Back to the future, so I should be able to fix this (note that if you save a memory snapshot when disk 2 is not detected and then restore that memory image, then disk 2 is detected :) )


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