Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari screen options (was: Hatari manual.html)

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On torstai 27 helmikuu 2014, David Savinkoff wrote:
> Correction:
> I have noticed (for a long time) that "Max Zoomed win"
> in the SDL menu only shows values that are dividable
> by EIGHT (probably to make scrolling them faster),
> however, any number works.

Not for Atari TOS.

> Note that some resolutions
> (400x300) are not dividable by EIGHT. Maybe making
> them dividable by FOUR would be better.

TOS requires that Atari resolution (VDI, non-borderless
ST or VIDEL ones) heights are divisable by 8.

Note also that max window size is not just fullscreen
setting, but also windowed mode one.  Having padding in
windowed mode would look crappy.

> eg. 400 x 300

Is there any other "standard" resolution where this
would be an issue?

	- Eero

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