Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Hatari floppy drive detection with EmuTOS

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On 18 Jan 2014 at 12:25, David Savinkoff wrote:
> Please do test (2) on your real hardware.
> 1) (This works perfectly with Hatari and EmuTOS)
> - Put a non-booting disk in the internal ST drive A
> - Drive B is irrelevant. (works in all combinations)
> - reset emutos (Drive A and Drive B work properly)
> 2) (This is the problem scenario)
> - Put No disk in the internal ST drive A
> - Put No disk in Drive B (Drive both On and Off)
> - reset emutos
> (What happens on ST ?)
EmuTOS doesn't see any drives ... so obviously it is an EmuTOS problem.  As you 
posted earlier, EmuTOS should really be doing the restore with spinup disabled. 
It's now on my to-do list.

Thanks to everybody for their assistance,

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