Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Hatari debugging help with WinUAE CPU core |
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> > I also see these:
> >
> > Exception 2 (0) at 30 -> 0!
> >
> > And I'm not sure what they are - is that basically a bus error by a
> > different name?
Yes, that's also debugging output by Hatari to show a bus or address
The last number is the destination vector address - which is 0 in your
case! So something messed up the bus error exception handler.
It depends on the way the bus error has been generated. For accessing
bad IO memory addresses, it should print such an error. For certain bus
errors that are generated within the WinUAE CPU core, the message might
look different.
> I'm not sure that's right. TOS does some HW checks at startup which
> cause bus errors, but apps calling TOS later on may cause TOS to bus
> error later on by giving invalid inputs to OS calls, so knowing about
> them would also be useful.
Well, the problem is, how do you want to distinguish this? The emulator
can hardly know what TOS is doing unless you want to create a huge
table that lists all hardware test addresses for all TOS versions.
Is MMU really involved here or is this just about "normal" WinUAE mode?
Yes, these error message floods can be pretty annoying... I'll try to
add a limit.
If you enable the debugger for _all_ exceptions, you simply do get too
many of them. Interrupts occur quite often, and it's quite cumbersome
when you try to step through a program and always get interrupted by
such an event.
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