[hatari-devel] Problem with ACSI/DMA: Command is not executed

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Hi all,

I'm wondering whether the TEST UNIT READY command is working properly.

When I use it several times Hatari crashes with a segmentation fault. I
turned the ACSI debug output on and noticed that Hatari does not report
that this command was received by the emulation at all. My guess is that
this has to do with the fact that no (DMA) data are transferred with
this command, i. e. setting up the DMA start address is not required.

Does Hatari rely on the DMA start address to be always set (even when
there is no DMA) before an ACSI command is executed by the emulation? The
transfer should start as soon as the last command byte was written, even
when no DMA address is set, but this does not seem to be the case. Maybe
somebody else can provide details on how Hatari handles this?

Take care


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