Re: [hatari-devel] MMU emulation broken ?

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Hello Laurent,

to debug this, one would need to enable the 68030 MMU debugging messages. This needs to be done before compiling inside cpummu030.c.
Also i recommend to check if the code is up to date with Previous. There have been no big changes, but some minor fixes.

Previous is not yet able to boot NeXTstep. We think there might be problems with CPU and MMU related to exceptions (especially bus errors).

At least WinUAE is able to boot UNIX-like systems. So the MMU should be OK for the most part.



Am 03.09.2013 um 10:45 schrieb Laurent Sallafranque:

> Hi,
> I wanted to try evolution demo by EXA (patched today by ggn).
> It seems to need the MMU emulation to run.
> But when I select MMU in hatari GUI, I get the following:
> Building CPU, 45989 opcodes (3 0 1)
> CPU=68030, FPU=68882, MMU=1, JIT=0.
> MMU disabled
> MMU enabled
> Exception_mmu 00e02cde 00e02cde 00000000
> And hatari stops running on the initial black screen, before starting the white (GEM) screen and the falcon memory check.
> Any idea ?
> Regards
> Laurent

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