Re: [hatari-devel] fdc test for real hardware

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On 22 Sep 2013 at 19:32, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> I'm improving the timings for the floppy controler and I'd like to have
> some results for the attached program on real hardware (STF or STE, not
> TT or Falcon).
> Could someone with a working STF/STE test this program and post the
> results ? I need results from different machine to measure the relation
> between RPM and index duration.
On my 1040STF:
Run 1:
  0000994d 000002fd
  0000994a 000002fd
  00009949 000002fd
  0000994a 000002fd
  00009949 000002fd
Run 2:
  0000994e 000002fc
  00009949 000002fd
  00009949 000002fc
  0000994a 000002fc
  0000994a 000002fc

On my 1040STe:
Run 1:
  00009acd 00000218
  00009afe 000001e7
  00009b31 000001b4
  00009b61 00000259
  00009abc 00000229
Run 2:
  00009b3e 0000027c
  00009a9d 00000248
  00009ace 00000216
  00009afe 000001e8
  00009b30 000001b4

P.S. The 1040STe is not used very often.

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