[hatari-devel] MFP timing |
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The TOS ACSI routines use 'tst.b $fffffa01' as part of a short-delay routine.
I remember reading somewhere a long time ago that this was supposed to give a 1
microsecond delay on all machines.
I'm implementing the equivalent delay in the EmuTOS ACSI routines (by a
different method), so I thought I should verify my vague memory. I did some
timing tests on various machines, with accesses to $1000 (arbitrary) and to
$fffffa01. This is what I found (all times in microseconds and probably
accurate to about 10%):
ST Falcon TT
tst.b $1000 1.6 0.36 0.17
tst.b $fffffa01 2.0 1.1 1.0
The timings for the first line are about what I would expect from the timing
tables in the appropriate manuals. The second line *almost* corresponds to my
vague memory.
1. Can anyone here confirm (or refute) these findings?
2. I found a place in the Hatari code where extra wait states are added for
access to the MFP. It adds 4 cycles, which seems fine for the ST but not for
the other machines. Am I missing something?
Roger Burrows