Re: [hatari-devel] aspect ratio problems

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On torstai 08 elokuu 2013, Douglas Little wrote:
> I've been having a few problems with recent versions of Hatari (I think
> starting with 1.7.0 but possibly a bit earlier than that) concerning
> auto-setting aspect ratio in windowed mode.

AFAIK last changes to that part of code were 2.5 years ago.

Laurent added support for Videl borders after that, but even
that code from 2012 spring.

I think only change after to any of that code was half a year ago,
change 4278, to fix issue with ST mode handling for Falcon.

> One of the things my program does is crop unused scanlines from the
> Falcon's display to save wasted bus cycles. However Hatari interprets
> this as a funny-shaped resolution (rectangular pixels) and reshapes the
> window.

If I remember right it's not based on pixel shape, but resolution,
Hatari scales the resolution so that ratio between X & Y keeps
between 1:2 and 2:1.

> This gets progressively worse as the window is made smaller, until the
> image is very tall and thin (it should be square).
> Is there any way to prevent this behaviour through the config file?

Try "--aspect off".

Do you have some funny max resolution values in your config?

	- Eero

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