Re: [hatari-devel] OT: My dream about Hatari |
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For example, currently Hatari debugger & profiler can automatically
profile CPU & DSP activity for worst frame in a game *while* you play it,
and automatically quit Hatari when you die (so that some extra scripting
can then automatically post-process the profile data).
If you need callstacks for some specific function while
the program is running, enable profiling at the beginning
and setup following kind of breakpoint:
But if showing the disassembly & memory & reg contents in pretty boxes and
supporting stepping are the main uses for such a thing, somebody writing it
as Qt code that gets called instead of the current DebugUI() function could
be a reasonable smallish (couple of weeks) amount of effort.
Any volunteers?
I can help with that, but currently my time is limited mainly to answering
questions on how such functionality could be integrated to Hatari.
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