Re: [hatari-devel] OT: My dream about Hatari

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On keskiviikko 17 heinäkuu 2013, laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx wrote:
> It's very easy to detect a memory overwriting (with the "break address !=
> address" command).

Note to others: the address should be in parenthesis, to indicate
that one is interested about value in that address:
	b (address) ! (address)

One can also check just few bits from that address by adding suitable
mask for the value.

> It's very easy to detect a problem with a black
> screen (I've encountered this many times) with the "history" command.
> It's very easy to detect the needed optimisations (with the profile on +
> profile cycles commands) ...

Please try also "profile addresses" (and "profile save") commands for
viewing the data, and the post-processor for that data.

Just checking what specific instructions take most cycles doesn't
necessarily give the most relevant information, there could be some
long functions that are worse bottlenecks, but don't necessarily have
single instruction taking a lot of CPU.

Profiling section in Hatari manual is a bit long, but hopefully
useful / interesting:

If you have any comments about things that would need more info
or should be expressed more clearly, I would be interested!

> The recent new feature LABELS added directly from the executed program is
> a great tool to put breakpoints of look at a specific memory buffer. The
> DSP is easy to debug too ;) (lock dspregs + trace dsp_disasm + dc 1 dc 1
> dc 1 dc 1 dc 1 ...) to execute the DSP code step by step and have a
> quick look at the registers values.

There are now also "ds" (step) and "dn" (next) commands for DSP,
you don't need to use "dc 1".

I would also recommend browsing through Hatari Manual's usage examples:

I updated them for v1.7 release.

	- Eero

Ps. I will be replying to mails somewhat rarely on couple of next weeks.

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