Re: [hatari-devel] MFP Interrupt Regression

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Le 18/06/2013 19:35, David Savinkoff a écrit :

Extract the archive to an Atari directory then run the program.

The program sends text to a parallel printer that looks like this:
App2 -- Loop  Complete
App1 -- Delay Complete
App2 -- Loop  Complete
App2 -- Loop  Complete
App1 -- Delay Complete
App2 -- Loop  Complete
App1 -- Delay Complete
App2 -- Loop  Complete
App2 -- Loop  Complete
App1 -- Delay Complete
App2 -- Loop  Complete
App1 -- Delay Complete
App2 -- Loop  Complete
App2 -- Loop  Complete
App1 -- Delay Complete
App2 -- Loop  Complete

The latest Hatari sends, only, the first letter 'A'.
Hatari 1.6.2 works (compare with latest Hatari).



thanks for the example program, I will try it.

Does it require anything to be configured in Hatari menu devices (F12) to work ? Enable printer and/or rs232 emulation ?


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