Re: [hatari-devel] small warnings in symbols.c

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On torstai 04 huhtikuu 2013, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> with current hg, I get a warning while compiling
> Building C object src/debug/CMakeFiles/Debug.dir/symbols.c.o
> /home/npomarede/src/hatari-work/src/debug/symbols.c: In function
> 'Symbols_Command':
> /home/npomarede/src/hatari-work/src/debug/symbols.c:264:10: attention :
> 'offset' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
> /home/npomarede/src/hatari-work/src/debug/symbols.c:229:6: note:
> 'offset' was declared here
> Probably harmless, but maybe you can assign a default value to silence it
> ?

Your GCC is buggy, it's not interpreting the switch-case default
branch correctly.  Which version of GCC you're using?

I had changed the code in the meanwhile, are you still getting
some warning?

	- Eero

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