Re: [hatari-devel] Correct cycles values?

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On torstai 14 maaliskuu 2013, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> Le 14/03/2013 11:01, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
> > Shouldn't the cycles shown in profile disassembly then be:
> > 	cycles<<  nCpuFreqShift
> > ?
> Yes, if you want to display cycles in a human readable way,
> nCpuFreqShift should betaken into account.

Ok, I commited that change.  The bootup times visible to eye now
about correspond to ones calculated from spent cycles.

Do these cycle values look about correct for 16Mhz Falcon:
$e00030 :             move      #$2700,sr                  0.00% (1, 20, 1)
$e00034 :             move.w    $ffff8006.w,d0             0.00% (1, 12, 1)
$e00038 :             reset                                0.00% (1, 520, 1)
$e0003a :             move.w    $ffff8006.w,d0             0.00% (1, 12, 1)
$e0003e :             move.w    #7,$ffff8940.w             0.00% (1, 16, 1)
$e00044 :             cmpi.l    #$fa52235f,$fa0000         0.00% (1, 24, 1)
$e0004e :             bne.s     $e0005a                    0.00% (1, 12, 1)
$e0005a :             move.l    #$808,d0                   0.00% (1, 12, 1)
$e00060 :             movec     d0,cacr                    0.00% (1, 16, 1)
$e00064 :             moveq     #0,d0                      0.00% (1, 4, 3)
$e00066 :             movec     d0,vbr                     0.00% (1, 8, 1)
$e0006a :             nop                                  0.00% (1, 4, 1)
$e00088 :             move.w    #$10,$ffff8282.w           0.00% (1, 16, 1)
$e0008e :             ori.b     #$25,$ffff8007.w           0.00% (1, 20, 1)
$e00094 :             btst      #6,$ffff8007.w             0.00% (1, 16, 1)
$e0009a :             beq.s     $e000c8                    0.00% (1, 12, 1)
$e000c8 :             lea       $ffff8800.w,a0             0.00% (1, 8, 1)
$e000cc :             move.b    #7,(a0)                    0.00% (1, 20, 1)

	- Eero

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