Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAE CPU core zero cycles issue

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On torstai 14 maaliskuu 2013, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
> >Laurent, is it OK if I add OpcodeFamily updating to 20 & 21 cores,
> >i.e. for the default Falcon WinUAE CPU core?
> Of course it is OK, don't hesitate.

Ok, done.  I hope this is fine:

I'm still seeing zero cycles for Falcon emulation with WinUAE CPU core
though, for example for "move.b d0,d1" here:
$e0429a : lea       $ffff8606.w,a6             0.00% (23, 104, 3)
$e0429e : st        $1690.w                    0.00% (23, 288, 3)
$e042a2 : tst.w     $043e.w                    0.00% (23, 196, 3)
$e042a6 : bne.s     $e04320                    0.00% (23, 184, 23)
$e042a8 : move.l    $0466.w,d0                 0.00% (23, 368, 23)
$e042ac : move.b    d0,d1                      0.00% (23, 12, 3)
$e042ae : and.b     #7,d1                      0.00% (23, 104, 3)
$e042b2 : bne.s     $e04320                    0.00% (23, 268, 23)
$e042b4 : move.w    #$80,(a6)                  0.00% (2, 32, 2)

Not all of the executions for it had zero cycles, but most did.

How the number of cycles can change for it?

	- Eero

PS. To find such occurrences, just set DEBUG define to 1 in
beginning of src/debug/profilecpu.c, recompile, and enable
profiling e.g. for TOS v4 boot.

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