Re: [hatari-devel] view the DSP stack?

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Hi Eero and Nicolas,

Thanks a lot for your answear.
I'll have to digest it (I'm not used to this way of coding, or maybe I don't know I am :)

I think my test is quite time critical, as it is done for each DSP instruction, and I'd like to avoid to consume some Host cycles for nothing here.

So, I'll send another patch soon ;)

Best regards


Le 17/02/2013 22:47, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
On 17/02/2013 21:22, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
Hi Doug,

Thanks a lot. I've uploaded a patch, if you can verify it.

I've also patched another instruction that I think was wrong timing :

P:ext  JSR ext_addr

Maybe you can test it too with my newpatch to verify if it's OK now ?

Eero, The way I've done this patch is probably not the most optimized :

I use one variable (access_to_ext_memory) as a 3 FLAG bits variable :
  - 1st bit for access to X external memory
  - 2nd bit for access to Y external memory
  - 3rd bit for access to P external memory

Then I have to slide the bits to count how many access I did to external

    /* Add the waitstate due to external memory access */
+ /* (2 extra cycles per extra access to the external memory after the first one */
  +    if (access_to_ext_memory != 0) {
  +        value = access_to_ext_memory & 1;
  +        value += (access_to_ext_memory & 2) >> 1;
  +        value += (access_to_ext_memory & 4) >> 2;
  +        if (value > 1)
  +            dsp_core.instr_cycle += (value - 1) * 2;
  +    }

If you think there's a more optimized way to do it, just don't hesitate
to change it.


given there're only 3 bits, this makes 8 cases, so you can store the number of 1 bits in a small array and avoid any if/and/shift :

eg :

count_bit[8] = { 0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3 };

value = count_bit[ access_to_ext_memory ];
if (value > 1)
    dsp_core.instr_cycle += (value - 1) * 2;

Or you could even store (value-1)*2 in the array and do directly

dsp_core.instr_cycles += access_to_ext_memory_penalty[access_to_ext_memory]

6 lines packed into 1, with maximum speed ;)


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