[hatari-devel] Changes to hatari profiler |
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I've refactored profiler post-processor code a bit.
User visible changes are:
- output options -c -e -i -m are replaced with single -t
option that outputs all "top function" lists
- you get call count list also without profile caller information[1]
- fixed small bug in callgraph caller name resolving
As to the changes in Hatari debugger, calling profiler
functions from chained breakpoints should now work fine.
I.e. one can automate profiling information collection
with breakpoint :file options (i.e. executing debugger
instructions from file when breakpoint is hit).
- Eer
[1] Getting caller information and callgraphs naturally
still requires loading symbols before profiling.
Call counts you can now get even when symbols are given
afterwards to post-processor.