Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari profiler updates and CPU cycle questions

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So another quick test today, again using a -O0 build of Hatari (since any other kind crashes for me when exporting profile data).

It seems the symbols are not mapping to the correct addresses for some reason. It happens not just in the disassembly process but any _expression_ evaluated in the debugger (i.e. it is consistent).

Having imported the symbols, and using the following test:

(from symbol file) 000004C4 T Doom

> evaluate text+$4C4

= %11101010100101000 (bin), #120104 (dec), $1d528 (hex)

> disasm $1d528

$01d528 : 6100 22d8                            bsr       $1f802
$01d52c : 6100 23bc                            bsr       $1f8ea
$01d530 : 48e7 8080                            movem.l   d0/a0,-(sp)

....and comparing with the source code...

* Program starts here *
Doom: move.l 4(sp),a5
lea 128(a5),a4 ; command string
move.l a4,cli
* Mshrink *
move.l 12(a5),d0 ; text segment
add.l 20(a5),d0 ; data segment
add.l 28(a5),d0 ; bss segment

Performing a full disassembly and scrolling through the output shows similar problems...

bls.b end_test_blocks_scan
dbf d7,test_blocks_scan_line

move.w vtx_x(a1,d2.w*4),d3 ; x2
sub.w vtx_x(a1,d1.w*4),d3 ; x2-x1=dx
move.w d3,dx ; dx
muls.w d3,d3 ; dx^2

...from the debugger disasm....

$023dce : e848                                 lsr.w     #4,d0
$023dd0 : 1c31 0000                            move.b    (a1,d0..w),d6
$023dd4 : d68c                                 add.l     a4,d3
$023dd6 : 3e30 6a00                            move.w    (a0,d6..l*2),d7
$023dda : d244                                 add.w     d4,d1
$023ddc : 2003                                 move.l    d3,d0
$023dde : 3cc7                                 move.w    d7,(a6)+
$023de0 : 3001                                 move.w    d1,d0
$023de2 : ec88                                 lsr.l     #6,d0
$023de4 : 3cc7                                 move.w    d7,(a6)+
$023de6 : e848                                 lsr.w     #4,d0
$023de8 : 1c31 0000                            move..b    (a1,d0.w),d6
$023dec : d68c                                 add.l     a4,d3

Finally, the crazy numbers for cycle counts are still apparent (note: 4294967295 decimal = 0xFFFFFFFF)

$024062 : 0813 0000                            btst      #0,(a3)                    0.13% (51276, 4294967295, 823)
$024066 : 67fa                                 beq.s     $24062                     0.13% (51276, 4294967295, 1)
$024068 : 3611                                 move.w    (a1),d3                    0.01% (2176, 4294967295, 1362)
$02406a : 6b00 0110                            bmi       $2417c                     0.01% (2176, 4294967295, 0)
$02406e : 4bf9 0018 676a                       lea       $18676a,a5                 0.01% (1972, 0, 0)
$024074 : 4281                                 clr.l     d1                         0.13% (49980, 4294967295, 49973)
$024076 : 0813 0000                            btst      #0,(a3)                    0.13% (49980, 4294967295, 96011)
$02407a : 67fa                                 beq.s     $24076                     0.13% (49980, 4294967295, 3)
$02407c : 3211                                 move.w    (a1),d1                    0.13% (49980, 4294967295, 49979)
$02407e : 41f4 3200                            lea       (a4,d3.w*2),a0             0.13% (49980, 4294967295, 3)

..since this the latter is happening in a pure debug build, it's unlikely GCC is causing it IMO. It may be contributing to the 'crash' but not this second issue.

The symbols thing may just be a simple bug or invalid assumption on our part about the Devpac symbol table (or even invalid symbol table at the source itself???). In any case it can probably be figured out with a bit more time prodding. I just happen to be quite short of time this week or I'd be more methodical - just doing very quick tests as I am able.

The CPU cycle count thing is a bit worrying.

Note also that the DSP cycle counts looked ok without any wild numbers (not tried symbols yet for that - will do as soon as I can).


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