Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAE Falcon emulation and FPU |
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Am Mon, 1 Oct 2012 22:35:06 +0200
schrieb Miro Kropáček <miro.kropacek@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > > Are there a lot of demos that *require* FPU?
> >
> > Not that I am aware of, only some very few I guess.
> >
> How do you define 'few' ? I can think of at least 10 demos and
> countless 4k intros, specially from 95-99.
Hehe, maybe you know here more than I do ... as I said, it was just a
guess. If you provide the names, we could add an entry for each to the
compatibility list, so that it is clear that FPU has to be enabled to
run them.