[hatari-devel] 68030 MMU work

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Dear Hatari community!

I've been working on adding 68030 MMU emulation to the Hatari-based "Previous" emulator (using new winuae cpu).
I've succeeded to implement a table search procedure and an ATC. Looking up physical addresses from the ATC works. It seems to be OK for the early boot process of the mach kernel.

The code is in SVN:

In its current state, the MMU is still very incomplete. The actual problem is, that i don't know how to properly connect the MMU to the CPU code. At the moment it is "glued" on top of the 68040 MMU in a quite bad way.

The second problem is, that i do not understand how the CPU emulation handles function codes. I'm confused with "super", "data", regs.sfc, regs.dfc, regs.s.
Also i have some problems understanding all to the 68040 MMU code.
Any help with these problems would be greatly appreciated!

Feel free to use and modify the code. For testing, it should be easy to add to Hatari. You just need cpummu030.c and cpummu030.h. They are in the cpu directory (new winuae cpu).
Some minor changes/additions to cpummu.h and newcpu.c/h are necessary (see sources).



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