Re: [hatari-devel] Extended VDI screen

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Am Tue, 27 Dec 2011 22:34:04 +0100
schrieb Miro Kropáček <miro.kropacek@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi,
> just curious, how it's supposed to work the extended screen
> resolution? If I set it and try to boot into desktop (in ST mode),
> I'll get a screen which seems to be mirrored after 320 pixels, i.e.
> it's definitely not 640 pixels in row.

IIRC, Hatari intercepts the Line-a 0xA000 call and the VDI
open-workstation / open-virtual-workstation calls and patches the
resolution accordingly. Should work fine with current HG head, at
least with the old CPU core (not sure about the new WinUAE CPU core
whether Laurent enabled the Line-A and VDI interception there). Which
TOS version are you using?


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