"startAssetsWatch" is a bit strange english. I'd rename it to "startWatchingAssets" or "watchAssets" or something.
What's the point of this? It seems to me this is a rather hackish approach to doing the assignment. Why not pass d->currentContextIndex and newAssetName to ObjectManager::createNewAsset instead?
- Arjen
On January 26th, 2011, 6:39 p.m., Giulio Camuffo wrote:
Review request for Gluon.
By Giulio Camuffo.
Updated Jan. 26, 2011, 6:39 p.m.
This patch makes Creator watch the files of the Assets for changes with a KDirWatch. If a file changes it calls reload() on the respective Asset.
It also modifies some code in graphics to support this (that is, do not return if it was already loaded but instead discard and load again), but there will probably be the need to do the same in Input and Audio.
Tested modifying a material .gml and a texture image.
- creator/lib/objectmanager.h (c39b8af)
- creator/lib/objectmanager.cpp (a088c80)
- creator/mainwindow.cpp (960535e)
- creator/plugins/docks/projectdock/projectdock.cpp (382ace5)
- engine/asset.h (5d3a126)
- engine/asset.cpp (e134db2)
- graphics/material.cpp (9e1a040)
- graphics/texture.cpp (00fe36d)
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