Re: [gluon] eyecreate's weekly report

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This week, a few things were, added to the plugin. First, The Actions were put into a toolbar along with a widget that only shows when add node is selected. It will allow selection of node proerties. Then, invalid actions are given user feedback instead of just not showing up. This is important to give the user an idea of what is happening. Last was lots of testing and features that make sure these two above areas run correctly without error. This includes checking for node property uniqueness and initializing object lists. Bugs were also fixed that drew the text for edges off-screen until after you moved a node and crashes when selecting node actions.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Eyecreate <eyecreate@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This was quite the busy week for me. At the start of the week, I decided to go ahead and start moving my repo to git, per Leinir's request. I "shopped" for a git interface that would give my more mundane tasks a graphical representation. I ended liking most of one called TeamGit, but wished it had the ability to directly open files from the interface like git cola, so, being an open-source project, I made a quick fix to add that functionality and sent the changes back to the author. I then, through the middle of the week, worked on adding some core features to the rocs system before I started branching. These included node limits(limiting how many connections in and out of a node) and assigning properties/actions to an edge(arrow thing). The first was important because it will allow me to take a generic node and force it to behave in a certain way. An example would be that an if block has one previous statement(in) and two possible outs(true or false). Limits make it so that someone can't mess the system up and add true, false, and boogey-man as outward edges. The second allows the properties/actions, assigned to a generic node to represent what it can do, can be selected when a edge is created, giving the edge a property to hold of action to perform. Lastly, the end of the week, I made the first big change to the code and turned it from it's application format into a plugin to be inserted into Gluon Creator. Some features are being reimplemented into the plugin format still. I'm excited to see where I'll be next week!


On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 5:08 AM, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen <admin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Saturday 19 June 2010 05:33:39 Eyecreate wrote:
> Well, now since I started actually doing coding this week, it seems good
> that I also start telling everyone on the list how things are
> going.(actually, I'm still making tweaks as I write)
> I started out talking to Tomaz, who made the graph node part of Rocs, and
> he helped me by giving me a minimized and cleaned copy of the code library
> to start with. He then helped me through understanding the core parts that
> made it work. Mid-week, I moved rocs-gluon(as Tomaz's code is called) into
> a bazaar repo on my computer in order to keep strucure and added in
> preview support using QPixmaps on all nodes. The last two days, I spent
> researching the best steps to take next and started adding in properties
> for nodes to prevent logic errors.(This is basically limiting node
> connections by what kind of node it is.) I'm as I'm writing talking to
> Tomaz as he lectures me about why my code to count nodes was always zero.
> Seems I need to go back and structure my code differently. Next week, I
> should be committing this new code to my own trunk and then  branching the
> code into two branches to start testing more specialized code out for each
> plugin. I also need to contact ahiemstra, who I seemed to have trouble
> finding today :) , and ask about his shader plans so I know what gluon
> will provide and what I have to.

 Good progress, thanks for the update! A small note: Using bzr will cause us
to loose history once you merge your work, as KDE uses Git. So, i would
strongly suggest that you switch your repository to Git, and that way ensures
that history will not be lost :)
 ahiemstra is on holiday from today and a week ahead, and warned that he
would likely be away from the intertubes for the duration.

...Dan // Leinir..

                         or no

                         - Piet Hein

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