Re: [gluon] Gluon Graphics

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If I may ask, why do you think third solution is the best among the three you suggested ?


On 2/26/2010 6:43 AM, idk wrote:

I want to show you what I m doing in Gluon Graphics and I m waiting for your suggest

GluonGraphics::Vertex represents a 3d point
It contains x,y,z, QColor, textureX, textureY .

GluonGraphics::Transform represents a transformation Matrix
it contains a QMatrix4x4 and contains many methods like : setRotate, setPosition ....

GluonGraphics::Mesh represents an object to show.
It contains a VertexList, and many methods to create primitiv shape. For example : createBox, createCircle , createPlane ....

GluonGraphics::Item : has a mesh and a Transform class. This class can paint the mesh and apply transformation to openGL.

Now the question : How Can I split 2d function and 3d function...

First solution : 
Keep one class for 2d and 3d.

Example : 

Transform::setPosition( float x, float y, float z=0);


Mesh::createRect( QRectF )
Mesh::createCone(radius, width....)

2nd solution : 
2d and 3d class inherits from one

Example : 
Transform2d::setPosition(float x, float y);
Transform3d::setPosition(float x, float y, float z);


3th Solution :
1 global class for transformation and 2 for mesh :

Transform::setPosition(float x,float y, float z=0);

I this the solution 3 is the best. So I m waiting now for your suggest

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