[gluon] gluon eigen

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Dirk Leifeld and me has refactor gluon without Eigen. 
Create a new branch : qt4.6

Currently : 
GluonAudio  : 100% removed
GluonInput : Never Eigen code has exist inside
GluonCore : 100% removed
GluonGraphics : 100% removed
- Eigen::Transform3d -> QMatrix4x4
- Eigen::Vector3d -> QVector3d

I needed to change (GLFloat) to (GLDouble) to send vertex buffer array to openGL server.
I cannot change the code of : Camera::Projection()  unProjection()... There are using Eigen specific function that I don't understand. So I commented and it seems to work.

Now, it remains only gluonEngine and Creator... I try to success , but I broken all in QuaternionProperty...  So I disable the compilition of them in CmakeLists. And I suggest you to do it. 

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