Re: [gluon] Website Report

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Le lundi 20 juillet 2009 03:27:59, Ken Vermette a écrit :
> I figure I'll run a report of the website across the mailing list.
> Progress over the past couple days has been slower than I'd have liked it
> to be, mostly because of several events going on pulling me off to the
> side. Very much like a lion waiting for the gazelle to go to the water hole
> - it seems several people aware of my schedule were waiting for my vacation
> as clause to pounce. I also got a new computer, aside from file transfers
> and wiring, my job and living arrangements requires paperwork, insurance,
> security and blah blah blah... Life can make exciting things exceptionally
> boring.
> Tonight I'm updating the website, and moving the site from the beta/ folder
> into the live environment. I've done some update to my local copy, which is
> what I'll be uploading. Anywho, the website on it's launch will still need
> tweaking, and I'm going to try to force video to work tonight while I'm
> concious. It's something that's severely needed as we have an amazing mouse
> demonstration I want on the website. Excellent amazing work, btw.
> Until I send out a mail again with info on video, the website will be able
> to handle images and news posts.
> In addition, I'd like anyone who wants an account on the website to email
> me or reply to this thread with your desired user-name and real name, so I
> can create your accounts with access to the control panel. I'll give you a
> random password, and you can set up a new one when you log in.

I'd like an account too.
login: smarter
name: Guillaume Martres

By the way, the blok video on the media page doesn't work:
Because it uses the <img> tag and the location is /beta/images whereas it's 
located at /images

Guillaume Martres -

Gluon is a high-level game development library for the KDE desktop enviornment.

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