[ghelda-devel] [60] Transfer part of the HTTP Header parse to inc/

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Revision: 60
Author:   odyx
Date:     2009-07-21 20:58:41 +0200 (Tue, 21 Jul 2009)

Log Message:
Transfer part of the HTTP Header parse to inc/

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/inc/g_gettext.php
--- trunk/inc/g_gettext.php	2009-07-21 18:58:39 UTC (rev 59)
+++ trunk/inc/g_gettext.php	2009-07-21 18:58:41 UTC (rev 60)
@@ -72,9 +72,34 @@
     return array($g_GT_oldLocale,$g_GT_oldDomain);
-function g_getCorrectLocaleFromHTTPValues($charsets,$languages) {
+function g_getCorrectLocaleFromHTTPValues() {
     global $g_GT_supportedLocales;
+    $langChar = LOCALE_DEFAULT;
+    // Get the language given by the "Accept-Language" HTTP header
+        return $langChar;
+    // Create the list of charsets
+    foreach(explode(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET']) as $ccharset) {
+        preg_match("#^(.*?)?(\;q\=(.*))?$#i", $ccharset, $ayM);
+        $q = isset($ayM[3]) ? $ayM[3] : '1.0'; 
+        $charset = strtolower(trim($ayM[1]));
+        // Special case for '*' => make it a little lower
+        $q = $charset == '*' ? $q-1e-9 : $q;
+        $charsets[$charset] = $q;
+    }
+    arsort($charsets,SORT_NUMERIC);
+    // Create the list of languages
+    $selected_q = 0.0;
+    foreach(explode(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) as $llang) { 
+        preg_match("#^(.*?)?(\;q\=(.*))?$#i", $llang, $ayM);
+        $q = isset($ayM[3]) ? $ayM[3] : '1.0'; 
+        $lang = strtolower(trim($ayM[1]));
+        $languages[$lang] = $q;
+    }
+    arsort($languages,SORT_NUMERIC);
     // Priority :
     // 1) Language (Human)
     // 2) Charset  (Machine)

Modified: trunk/init/gettext.php
--- trunk/init/gettext.php	2009-07-21 18:58:39 UTC (rev 59)
+++ trunk/init/gettext.php	2009-07-21 18:58:41 UTC (rev 60)
@@ -67,42 +67,16 @@
 // Define the locale
 if(isset($g_GT_urlLocale)) {
     $locale = $g_GT_urlLocale;
-    gol('Language choice (URL):',$g_GT_urlLocale);
+    gol('Language choice (URL):',$locale);
 } elseif (!empty($g_GT_userLocale)) {
     $locale = $g_GT_userLocale;
-    gol('Language choice (User setting):',$g_GT_userLocale);
+    gol('Language choice (User setting):',$locale);
 } elseif (isset($g_GT_cookieLocale)) {
     $locale = $g_GT_cookieLocale;
-    gol('Language choice (Cookie):',$g_GT_cookieLocale);
+    gol('Language choice (Cookie):',$locale);
 } else {
-    $locale = LOCALE_DEFAULT;
-    // Get the language given by the "Accept-Language" HTTP header
-        // Create the list of charsets
-        foreach(explode(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET']) as $ccharset) {
-            preg_match("#^(.*?)?(\;q\=(.*))?$#i", $ccharset, $ayM);
-            $q = isset($ayM[3]) ? $ayM[3] : '1.0'; 
-            $charset = strtolower(trim($ayM[1]));
-            // Special case for '*' => make it a little lower
-            $q = $charset == '*' ? $q-1e-9 : $q;
-            $charsets[$charset] = $q;
-        }
-        arsort($charsets,SORT_NUMERIC);
-        // Create the list of languages
-        $selected_q = 0.0;
-        foreach(explode(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) as $llang) { 
-            preg_match("#^(.*?)?(\;q\=(.*))?$#i", $llang, $ayM);
-            $q = isset($ayM[3]) ? $ayM[3] : '1.0'; 
-            $lang = strtolower(trim($ayM[1]));
-            $languages[$lang] = $q;
-        }
-        arsort($languages,SORT_NUMERIC);
-        // Assume that both arrays are already sorted in descending order of q
-        $g_GT_HTTP_Locale = g_getCorrectLocaleFromHTTPValues($charsets,$languages);
-    }
-    gol('Language choice (HTTP Header):',$g_GT_HTTP_Locale);
+    $locale = g_getCorrectLocaleFromHTTPValues($charsets,$languages);
+    gol('Language choice (HTTP Header):',$locale);
 // header += "Accept-Language: " + m_request.languages + ";q=0.1\r\n";

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