[ghelda-devel] [10] Also discard temporary files from KDE software (*.php.swp).

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Revision: 10
Author:   odyx
Date:     2009-03-04 15:28:16 +0100 (Wed, 04 Mar 2009)

Log Message:
Also discard temporary files from KDE software (*.php.swp).

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/inc/Plugins_Handler.php
--- trunk/inc/Plugins_Handler.php	2009-03-04 14:06:39 UTC (rev 9)
+++ trunk/inc/Plugins_Handler.php	2009-03-04 14:28:16 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 		$pluginsList = array_diff($pluginsList,array(".","..",".svn"));
 		// Strip out cache files and non-files
-		function filtCacheFiles($str) { return ((substr($str,-1) != '~') and is_file(PLUGINS_DIR.'/'.$str));}
+		function filtCacheFiles($str) { return ((substr($str,-1) != '~') and (substr($str,-4) != '.swp') and is_file(PLUGINS_DIR.'/'.$str));}
 		$pluginsList = array_filter($pluginsList,'filtCacheFiles');
 		// Strip extension

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