[fusil] Release of Fusil 1.2.1

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Changes from Fusil 1.1 to 1.2.1:

Fusil 1.2.1 (2009-02-06)

* Fix mangle agent of the Image Magick fuzzer
* Fix AttachProcessPID() probe: stop the probe at process exit

Fusil 1.2 (2009-02-04)

User visible changes:

* Fusil now requires Python 2.5
* Documentation: write an index (index.rst) and an user guide (usage.rst)
* Replay script: copy HOME environment for GDB and catch setuid() error
* fusil-firefox: support more file formats (bmp, gif, ico, png, svg), create
  --test command line option, write the HTML page into index.html file
* fusil-python: write errors to stderr (instead of stdout) to avoid unicode
  error (especially with Python3)
* FileWatch: rename the session with "long_output" if the program wrote more
  than max_nbline lines
* fusil-python: blacklist posix.fork() to avoid false positive
* If the process is killed by a signal, rename the session using the
  signal name (already worked if the debugger was disabled)

Developer changes:

* MangleAgent supports multiple input files
* Create DummyMangle: agent with MangleFile API but don't touch file content
  to test the fuzzer
* Network: close() method of NetworkClient and ServerClient use
* NetworkServer uses a backlog of 5 clients for socket.listen() (instead of 1)


* Fix Directory.rmtree() and replay script for Python 3.0
* Fix ServerClient.sendBytes(): use socket.send() result to get the next
  data offset


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