[fusil] Release of python-ptrace 0.4.1 and Fusil 1.0beta1

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Fusil 1.0beta1

This is the first beta of the final Fusil 1.0 release. Please try all fuzzers 
as much as possible: on different OS, with different CPU, different Python 
version, etc. ;-) Changes:

 * Convert projects to programs so it's possible to execute directly a fuzzer
   and a fuzzer has its own command line options
 * Remove all generated files: use --keep-generated-files to keep them
 * Use ptrace debugger in CreateProcess to watch process signals
 * Fix "Too many files open" bug: CreateProcess waits until process death to
   avoid creation of process zombi
 * Create a shell script (replay.sh) to replay a session, and gdb.sh to
   replay it in gdb
 * Create a configuration file, fusil.conf, to choose some global options like
   using the CPU probe or a debugger
 * Replace usage of FileWatch.patterns by FileWatch.addRegex()
 * Create AttachProcessPID() to watch a running process identified by its
   identifier (instead of its name)
 * Remove many debug messages: from the Multi Agent System, from the network
   client and server (don't log data exchange by default), don't show
   file/process informations
 * NetworkClient: close socket on session stop
 * NetworkClient: support non-blocking receive (timeout=0)
 * Create MangleProcess to simplify the fuzzers using an MangleAgent
 * A fuzzer is now a Python executable program and a Python module:
   move all projects from projects/ to fuzzers/, and remove 
   run_fusil.sh script
 * AutoMangle: use increment operation for aggressivity >= 0.25
 * Create FileWatch.fromFilename() static method
 * Improve Python 3.0 support
 * Run Fusil as an different user and group to avoid arbitrary file remove
   or process kill
 * Rename a session using strings like "abort", "timeout", 
   "invalid_write", ...

python-ptrace 0.4.1

This version just adds some minor features needed by Fusil 1.0beta1:

 * The project has a new dedicated website: http://python-ptrace.hachoir.org/
 * Create cptrace: optional Python binding of ptrace written in C (faster
   than ptrace, the Python binding written in Python with ctypes)
 * Add name attribute to SignalInfo classes
 * Fixes to help Python 3.0 compatibility: don't use sys.exc_clear()
   (was useless) in writeBacktrace()
 * ProcessState: create utime, stime, starttime attributes

Victor Stinner aka haypo


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