[freevolive-users] [ANNOUNCE] FreevoLive 0.11

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Yesterday, I've uploaded FreevoLive 0.11!

Whats new?
- Uninstalled Freevo 1.6.3 and python-mm
- Installed Freevo 1.7.0 and the kaa-packages (thanks to Korrel from MandrivaClub.NL for the rpms!)
- Kernel
- Added appletrailers plugin

New problems?
Yep, though not very big ones.  Somehow, audio album covers aren't shown.

That's all?
Yeah, I tried to do some more, but ran into some issues, so I didn't have enough time to fix anything.
I wanted to have a version with Freevo 1.7.0 though, so in the next version I'll try to fix (some of the) known issues.

I did remove the 'exit' at the end of .bash_profile though, to be able to do some more debugging without having to start a new session.


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