Re: [eledmac] footnote to footnote

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Dear François,

now, there is not. Is is an asked feature, but I have no time for it.



Le samedi 13 juin 2020 à 23:26 +0200, François Patte a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Is there a way to have a footnote to a footnote?
> Editing a text in which the author has written some notes, I would
> like
> to have the possibility to comment some words of the author's notes
> in a
> footnote. As the author's notes are in a footnote, I have to put a
> footnote to the footnote:
> \footnoteA{blablabla bli\footnoteB{bli means bla} blalblabla}
> This does not work...
> Thank you.


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