Re: [eledmac] Problem with long critical footnotes

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Dear Maïeul,

My mistake. I hope this works as a Minimal Working Example (see attachment).

If I compile this example, the part in '\edtext' goes off the page and LaTeX warns about an overfull hbox.

Thank you so much for your help

Kind regards


Op wo 27 mei 2020 om 17:46 schreef Maïeul Rouquette <maieul@xxxxxxxxxx>:
provide a Minimal Working Example.

Le mercredi 27 mai 2020 à 17:09 +0200, Ted van Aanholt a écrit :
> l.s.
> I have a problem with my edition in reledmac. When I want to put a
> passage in '\edtext' that spans more than one line, LaTeX wants to
> force this whole passage on the first line, thereby making me unable
> to make critical footnotes of passages that span over multiple lines.
> I am very new with LaTeX so sorry if the solution is very obvious.
> Kind regards
> Ted


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Attachment: Minimal working example long edtext.tex
Description: Binary data

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