Re: [eledmac] \begin{astanza}[\subsubsection{...}] causes pagebreak

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That is linked to the scrbook class. With standard LaTeX class, all
works. I have not time yet to look further more on the cause.

But you must know that scrbook and Koma script redefine multiple thing
inside LaTeX, which make it more complex to integrate with reledmac.

Le vendredi 06 mars 2020 à 19:02 +0100, Oelinet@xxxxxx a écrit :
> Dear members of the users list of eledmac,
> I am trying to use reledmac and reledpar with LuaLaTeX.
> I am not able to use \subsubsection{...} within the astanza
> environment in the right and proper way.
> In the way I am using it (wrongly?) it causes a pagebreak after the
> first line of the stanza.
> I think it looks like a additional linebreak either...
> I would be very happy if someone could give me a hint how to use it
> correctly.
> Please find enclosed an minimal working example (.TEX), the output
> (.PDF) and the log (.LOG).
> If you need further more to understand my MWE or my problem please let
> me also know.
> Yours sincerly
> oelinet@xxxxxx


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