Re: [eledmac] Problem with \sethangingsymbol{\protect\hfill} |
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This feature does not work yet with astanza,
use \stanza or open an github issue...
Le mercredi 04 mars 2020 à 17:32 +0100, Oelinet@xxxxxx a écrit :
> Dear members of the users list of eledmac,
> I am trying to use reledmac and reledpar with LuaLaTeX.
> I am not able to use the above mentioned comand
> (\sethangingsymbol{\protect\hfill}) in the right and proper way.
> I intend to do what is written in the documentation ("Parallel
> typesetting for critical editions: the reledpar package") on page 22:
> "\sethangingsymbol
> Like in reledmac, you could use the \sethangingsymbol command to
> insert a
> character in each hanging line. If you use it, you must run LaTeX two
> time. [...]
> You can also use it to force hanging verse to be flush right:
> \sethangingsymbol{\protect\hfill}"
> In the way I am using it (wrongly?) there is no flushing right.
> I would be very happy if someone could give me a clou how to use it
> correctly.
> Please find enclosed an minimal working example (.TEX), the output
> (.PDF) and the log (.LOG).
> I tryed to keep the MWE short but if it is to long please let me know.
> If you need further more to understand my MWE or my problem please let
> me also know.
> Yours sincerly
> oelinet@xxxxxx
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