Re: [eledmac] [Fwd: Award of the German speaking TeX User Group (Ehrenpreis von DANTE e.V.) 2018]

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vraiment bravo, c'est chouette


Le 16/01/2018 à 11:45, Maïeul Rouquette a écrit :
Dear (r)(e)ledmac users,

I would like to tell you thank you for all you need which made me to get
this DANTE price.

Best regards

-------- Message transféré --------
De: Martin Sievers <president@xxxxxxxx>
À: maieul@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: office@xxxxxxxx, vorstand@xxxxxxxx
Objet: Award of the German speaking TeX User Group (Ehrenpreis von DANTE
e.V.) 2018
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2018 11:15:07 +0100

Dear Maïeul,

it is my pleasure to announce, that the board of DANTE e.V. (the
speaking TeX user group) decided to award you with the annual
“Ehrenpreis” for your extraordinary and enduring work especially on
(r)eledmac and (r)eledpar. On behalf of all members I thank you for

The award winner gets a total of 500 Euro. Please let me or our office
know, how to transfer the money. In addition we would like to invite
to one of our conferences to hand the price to you. The next
will be held in Passau ( April
4th to 6th. In Autumn there will be a one-day conference in Bielefeld

Please let me know, whether you would like to join us (a day or two is
of course possible as well). I will then take care of travel and

Alternatively I will send you a certificate if you give me your

Once again thank you very much and congratulations for winning the

Best regards
Martin Sievers (on behalf of the DANTE board)


Vorsitzender der Deutschsprachigen Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V.

DANTE ist ein eingetragener, als gemeinnützig anerkannter Verein
(Registergericht: AG Mannheim VR 331659)

Postfach 10 18 40
69008 Heidelberg

Telefon: +49 6221 29766
Fax:     +49 6221 167906


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