Re: [eledmac] Reledpar: "The left page has ended on a right page"

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I have already corrected the code according to your indications, but I have still the same problem. It's astonishing for me, for the code of this poem is exactly as the code of the poems before and after himself... And these other codes don't cause problems. In fact, I can compile, but with the result of superfluous pages in blank.
Here you have the used code (the difference with the translated version is only a label inside the second, but this isn't problematic):

\stanza[\textbf{Poem's title}\vspace*{0.25cm}]
Bla, bla, bla&
bla, bla, bla.\&[\vspace*{-0.25cm}]
Bla, bla, bla,&
bla, bla, bla.\&[\vspace*{-0..25cm}]
Bla, bla, bla,&
bla, bla, bla..\&[\vspace*{0.50cm}\\]  

El Martes 24 de enero de 2017 9:53, Maïeul Rouquette <maieul@xxxxxxxxxx> escribió:

1. You MUST have only one \begin{rightside}…\end{rightside} structure and only one  \begin{Leftside}…\end{Leftside} structure in a  \begin{Pages}…\end{Pages} structure
2. You must have in a Leftside / Rightside structure a \beginnumbering…\endnumbering structure
3. You must have in a  \beginnumbering…\endnumbering structure of \pstart…\pend structure, or \stanza…\& structure

Note that reledmac produced error with your MWE, before the left page has ended on a right page…

So first, start by solving these error, and come back after that if you have still your "The left page has ended on a right page" error

Le 23 janv. 2017 à 21:42, <wiewiorka2004-varia@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> I have a strange mistake in compilation process, whose result is the message: "The left page has ended on a right page". It is referred to line number... but this number is related to the master document, to an \include instance. I get this error message when i add a determinated piece of text... The strange fact is that this fragment is coded exactly like the prior and subsequents fragments, which don't cause any problem. So it is clear that the origin of this situation is this text... but I don't know why, for this piece is almost identical to the others.
> Have you please any idea abot the cuase of this poblem?
> Thanks in advance,
> Josep
> PS:
> Here you have the code. The context is a translation with original text / translated text faced in diferent pages:
> vspace*{2cm}
> \begin{pages}
> \begin{Leftside}
> \selectlanguage{polish}
> %\date{}
> \begin{Leftside}
> \begin{center}
> \textbf{\textit{\huge{Bla, bla, bla}}}
> \end{center}
> \end{Leftside}
> \beginnumbering
> \stanza[\textbf{Bla, bla, bla}\vspace*{0.25cm}]
> Bla, bla, bla&
> Bla, bla, bla.\&[\vspace*{-0.25cm}]
> \stanza
> Bla, bla, bla&
> bla, bla, bla.\&[\vspace*{-0.25cm}]
> \stanza
> Bla, bla, bla&
> bla, bla bla.\&[\vspace*{0.50cm}\\] 
> \endnumbering
> \end{Leftside}
> \begin{Rightside}
> \selectlanguage{catalan}
> \begin{Rightside}
> \begin{center}
> \textbf{\textit{\huge{Vent}}}
> \end{center}
> \end{Rightside}
> \beginnumbering
> \stanza[\textbf{Bla, bla, bla}\vspace*{0.25cm}]
> Bla, bla, bla&
> Bla, bla, bla.\&[\vspace*{-0.25cm}]
> \stanza
> Bla, bla, bla&
> bla, bla, bla.\&[\vspace*{-0.25cm}]
> \stanza
> Bla, bla, bla&
> bla, bla bla.\&[\vspace*{0.50cm}\\] 
> \endnumbering
> \end{Rightside}
> \end{pages}
> \Pages
> In the master document, I have:
> \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twoside]{book}
> %Comment the following to have chapters numbered without interruption (numbering through parts)
> %\makeatletter\@addtoreset{chapter}{part}\makeatother%
> \usepackage{polyglossia,fontspec,xunicode}
> \usepackage{libertine}
> \setmainlanguage{catalan}
> \setotherlanguage{polish}
> \usepackage{reledmac}
> \usepackage[shiftedpstarts]{reledpar}
> \sethangingsymbol{[\,}
> \setstanzaindents{7,0}
> \setcounter{stanzaindentsrepetition}{1}
> \numberlinefalse
> \usepackage[pagestyles,outermarks,clearempty]{titlesec}
> \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}
> \usepackage{url}
> \usepackage{endnotes}
> \usepackage{csquotes}
> \usepackage{microtype}
> \usepackage[pagestyles,outermarks,clearempty]{titlesec}
> \titleformat{\chapter}[display]
> {\normalfont\Large\filcenter\bfseries}
> {\titlerule[1pt]
> \vspace{1pt}
> \titlerule
> \vspace{1pc}
> \LARGE\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename} \thechapter}
> {1pc}
> {\titlerule
> \vspace{1pc}
> \Huge}
> \usepackage{titletoc}
> \titlelabel{\thetitle.-\thinspace}
> \usepackage[inner=5cm,outer=3cm,tmargin=3cm,bmargin=3cm]{geometry}
> \raggedbottom
> \usepackage{calc}
> \usepackage{fancybox}
> \usepackage{fancyhdr}
> \pagestyle{myheadings}
> \markboth{Bla, bla, bla}{Bla, bla, bla}
> \renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}}
> \clubpenalty=10000
> \widowpenalty=10000
> \begin{document}
> \maketitle
> \include{Bla, bla, bla}
> %etc...
> \end{document}

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